Rayan Nik Tajhiz Company

According to the National Statistics Council, employees spend an average of 37% of their time in meetings. On the other hand, it takes an average of 10 minutes for the meetings to start. Another statistic shows that almost 70% of the people who enter the meeting do several things at the same time or their attention is somewhere else.
With the help of the Internet in today’s era, you can be present at work at any place and time. WebEx service is a revolution for teleworking and video conferencing solutions. This service provided by Cisco WebEx meeting has made it possible to install and run video conferencing software in the database.
Difference of Cisco WebEx and Cisco Meeting
Cisco WebEx service is a small version of WebEx meeting center that was introduced as a software as a service (SaaS) by Cisco. Of course, after Cisco bought the shares of WebEx communication company, it offers video conference applicants to buy Cisco Webex. Cisco Webex service works similar to Microsoft remote work and meeting solutions such as Skype and Microsoft outlook.
Cisco WebEx is a powerful service for video conferencing. Although the implementation of meetings and video conferences in WebEx meeting depends on some auxiliary solutions such as VQ, Vbrick and Vyopta, Cisco Webex will provide a more convenient user experience for users through Microsoft services such as Lotus or Office. Security is maintained in both services. However, the Cisco Meeting service is encrypted by AES2 security and JITC certificate. While the security of Webex service is established by AES256. In addition, it is not possible to schedule recording and playback sources in the Webex meeting service; While in the Cisco Webex service, you can easily plan and manage resources.
Features of Cisco WebEx Service
Webex has attracted users to its service by providing a modern user interface with attractive graphics. In addition, users can easily maintain their interaction with others by displaying a special avatar when they do not intend to display their image. This service is provided for 50, 250, 800 and 2000 users.
In the Cisco WebEx service, users can share the content of their desktop, iPad or mobile at the same time. In addition, it is possible to insert various types of files as text, image or animation. In the WebEx service, you can have up to 7 participants in the image panel.
High sound quality will provide you with a pleasant experience of a meeting with high quality sound thanks to the interval reservation less plus feature. It is also possible to record and edit meetings. In addition, you can start meetings quickly and without delay through Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Office or Microsoft Lotus.
The security of the WebEx service is provided by SSL-128-bit and AES-256-bit certificates; As a result, unauthorized people will not have access to the meetings. Cisco Webex software is designed in a modular way. Several virtual machines have created the modular combination, which are given in the following:
• Media service
Media service and Telephony and Meeting Service has created the task of unifying images in virtual machine.
• Web service
With the web service in Cisco Webex, the ability to record the meeting are available to the admin. With the help of this service, you can partition meetings.
• Admin virtual machine service
The core of the Cisco WebEx service is admin virtual machine. This section includes the database of the video conference server. You will need an admin vm to install Cisco WebEx.
• IRP service
Internet reverse proxy module provides the ability to communicate with Cisco Webex through the Internet. Using this module, users outside the network can enter the conference session. Of course, this module is optional.
Cisco WebEx Application; Conference virtual room with attractive user interface
You can create a virtual conference room through WebEx. This service is created in the form of a cloud system and a software-based security layer. With the help of Webex service, you can make voice and video calls with Webex, just like the VoIP feature in voice calls. The WebEx service in Iran has grown significantly in recent years with the increase in remote work.
Advantages of Cisco WebEx; the simplest and most effective remote meeting application
Setting up the Cisco WebEx service will provide you with a wonderful and effective remote work solution for holding remote conferences and meetings. In this service, without the need to upload a file to the server, the user can easily connect to the server from any point. Of course, in this case, the server needs to support Microsoft Adobe flash player formats. Among the advantages of using Cisco WebEx, the following can be mentioned:
● Comfortable and easy to use without the need to install software
● It can be used on different platforms and devices
● It can be integrated in many devices to reduce costs
● Providing special features for users in the premium version of the service
● No need for high-speed internet
In addition, the followings are the advantages of using Cisco WebEx as a secure and cost-effective solution.
Cost-effective solution and reducing server host costs
By installing a Cisco WebEx server, you can easily reduce the cost of hosting solutions for internal systems. With the help of the Cisco Webex server, you can start several meetings instantly at the same time. In addition, by reducing the costs related to holding face-to-face meetings, the necessary hardware and equipment, it saves the organization’s costs to a great extent.
Preserving user privacy and security
With the security standards that are active on Cisco Webex, no unauthorized person will be able to access the content of the meeting, except for the people and files that you have given access to; As a result, users’ privacy remains protected to a large extent.
Using WebEx; Easy Service Installation and Setup
WebEx installation tutorial is very simple. With its attractive graphical interface, this service is easy to use for people. To use this service, you just need to install the Cisco WebEx software. With the help of the software and without the need for the Internet, you can enter your conference sessions through the Internet Reverse Proxy service. For this, it is necessary to first transfer ports 80 and 443 to the dedicated IP of Webex. To connect to Cisco WebEx via the Internet, you need to install the Public Certificate on the WebEx so that the WebEx user can connect via mobile.
Setting Up WebEx Service under Rayan Nik Tajhiz Warranty
With the possibility of holding remote video conference meetings, the Cisco WebEx service has created an effective and efficient ability to hold web and VoIP conferences. By amplifying the speaker’s voice and removing extra noise, this system will provide the best experience for the user compared to face-to-face conversation.
You can use the services of Rayan Nik Tajhiz to support or set up the Cisco WebEx service. With the benefit of the expertise of experts in the field of designing and setting up web-based systems, Rayan Nik Tajhiz Company provides you with an efficient system that fits the needs of the organization. Installation, troubleshooting and support of the services provided by Rayan Nik Tajhiz will be done as soon as possible. If you need guidance to choose and buy Cisco Webex, Rayan Nik Tajhiz’s experts will guide you.